all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 3DE 21 0 51.239764 -0.7617
GU11 3DF 12 0 51.240647 -0.761863
GU11 3DG 45 2 51.242007 -0.76803
GU11 3DH 7 0 51.242786 -0.769427
GU11 3DJ 1 0 51.247094 -0.766919
GU11 3DL 78 0 51.24146 -0.768173
GU11 3DN 19 0 51.246749 -0.768376
GU11 3DP 27 3 51.248261 -0.766802
GU11 3DQ 3 0 51.241504 -0.769805
GU11 3DR 9 1 51.248694 -0.769441
GU11 3DS 15 0 51.241827 -0.763737
GU11 3DU 12 0 51.247044 -0.768153
GU11 3DW 26 0 51.247791 -0.766557
GU11 3DX 20 0 51.247063 -0.767465
GU11 3DY 16 5 51.247151 -0.766585
GU11 3DZ 22 1 51.247239 -0.766199
GU11 3EA 34 3 51.246393 -0.76615
GU11 3EB 1 1 51.248346 -0.767187
GU11 3ED 25 0 51.245634 -0.766629
GU11 3EE 24 2 51.246434 -0.765777