all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 1BH 39 14 51.24988 -0.766788
GU11 1BJ 1 1 51.250407 -0.766458
GU11 1BL 5 0 51.249276 -0.761517
GU11 1BX 7 0 51.24955 -0.763601
GU11 1BY 39 10 51.24977 -0.763391
GU11 1DA 1 1 51.249452 -0.766283
GU11 1DB 36 26 51.248996 -0.764848
GU11 1DJ 2 1 51.250364 -0.765066
GU11 1DL 48 0 51.249011 -0.767126
GU11 1DP 20 5 51.24924 -0.767689
GU11 1DQ 1 1 51.249637 -0.761693
GU11 1DU 1 1 51.24893 -0.765395
GU11 1DX 18 10 51.249314 -0.764281
GU11 1DY 1 1 51.249251 -0.76424
GU11 1DZ 10 8 51.249265 -0.763924
GU11 1EA 1 1 51.248586 -0.763498
GU11 1EE 8 1 51.248768 -0.762974
GU11 1EG 45 13 51.249269 -0.766876
GU11 1EH 1 1 51.248558 -0.764187
GU11 1EJ 4 4 51.248686 -0.764566