all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 1EP 20 12 51.249383 -0.764992
GU11 1EW 13 9 51.249534 -0.765718
GU11 1EU 9 0 51.248988 -0.76664
GU11 1EX 16 3 51.249126 -0.767739
GU11 1EY 3 1 51.248702 -0.766142
GU11 1HA 6 1 51.249923 -0.766572
GU11 1HD 5 0 51.249518 -0.767413
GU11 1HE 8 0 51.244759 -0.762985
GU11 1HG 76 0 51.246931 -0.761737
GU11 1HH 4 1 51.247827 -0.758905
GU11 1HJ 18 0 51.247747 -0.760655
GU11 1HL 13 0 51.247686 -0.760209
GU11 1HN 1 1 51.24632 -0.760231
GU11 1HP 1 1 51.247469 -0.760706
GU11 1HQ 41 0 51.246395 -0.76125
GU11 1HR 64 0 51.245442 -0.762121
GU11 1HS 49 0 51.246277 -0.761998
GU11 1HT 63 24 51.247672 -0.761413
GU11 1JE 24 11 51.248269 -0.762586
GU11 1HX 21 0 51.24963 -0.766938