all postcodes in GU12 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU12 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU12 4AA 21 3 51.238832 -0.744306
GU12 4AB 8 0 51.238966 -0.742512
GU12 4AD 28 0 51.238352 -0.744849
GU12 4AE 26 0 51.237411 -0.74423
GU12 4AF 30 0 51.23633 -0.744947
GU12 4AG 24 0 51.237529 -0.746046
GU12 4AH 12 0 51.236911 -0.745461
GU12 4AJ 28 0 51.238189 -0.743879
GU12 4AL 41 1 51.236162 -0.742703
GU12 4AN 16 0 51.237636 -0.743422
GU12 4AP 36 0 51.238114 -0.741919
GU12 4AQ 8 0 51.23669 -0.745825
GU12 4AR 55 0 51.237483 -0.740103
GU12 4AS 1 1 51.236695 -0.740353
GU12 4AT 26 0 51.237338 -0.7375
GU12 4AU 24 0 51.238264 -0.73915
GU12 4AW 20 0 51.237978 -0.742653
GU12 4AX 22 0 51.238133 -0.738695
GU12 4AY 31 0 51.238282 -0.736671
GU12 4AZ 36 0 51.239291 -0.737661