all postcodes in GU15 / CAMBERLEY

find any address or company within the GU15 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU15 3BG 0 51.332973 -0.760455
GU15 3BH 0 51.33366 -0.76335
GU15 3BJ 0 51.332695 -0.76306
GU15 3BL 0 51.332681 -0.762601
GU15 3BN 8 51.332134 -0.770396
GU15 3BQ 0 51.333195 -0.760162
GU15 3BS 14 51.331725 -0.767418
GU15 3BT 1 51.332662 -0.765932
GU15 3BU 4 51.331265 -0.767333
GU15 3BY 0 51.333056 -0.758931
GU15 3DB 4 51.331076 -0.767266
GU15 3DF 21 51.330112 -0.766256
GU15 3DH 12 51.331433 -0.77218
GU15 3DL 8 51.330502 -0.770856
GU15 3DN 1 51.331383 -0.765679
GU15 3DR 1 51.331695 -0.760288
GU15 3DS 0 51.332209 -0.760418
GU15 3DT 13 51.329015 -0.770491
GU15 3DX 17 51.330697 -0.761191
GU15 3DY 0 51.330748 -0.76007