all postcodes in GU15 / CAMBERLEY

find any address or company within the GU15 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU15 3NB 0 51.33333 -0.757603
GU15 3ND 0 51.333295 -0.756025
GU15 3NE 1 51.335043 -0.754642
GU15 3NF 1 51.333958 -0.754098
GU15 3NG 0 51.332585 -0.754336
GU15 3NH 0 51.331049 -0.75455
GU15 3NJ 0 51.330265 -0.754341
GU15 3NL 0 51.330478 -0.753259
GU15 3NN 0 51.331377 -0.753206
GU15 3NP 0 51.332118 -0.753545
GU15 3NQ 1 51.332006 -0.755744
GU15 3NR 0 51.331874 -0.753436
GU15 3NU 2 51.334662 -0.746798
GU15 3NW 0 51.330955 -0.752485
GU15 3NY 5 51.335678 -0.747574
GU15 3PA 1 51.33736 -0.747617
GU15 3PE 4 51.336521 -0.747353
GU15 3PG 1 51.337114 -0.747365
GU15 3PH 0 51.335129 -0.750032
GU15 3PL 17 51.338295 -0.748467