all postcodes in GU16 / CAMBERLEY

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU16 7JN 16 0 51.31526 -0.740395
GU16 7JQ 1 1 51.313294 -0.744886
GU16 7JR 25 0 51.315884 -0.741486
GU16 7JW 16 0 51.315223 -0.741074
GU16 7JX 37 0 51.316167 -0.738551
GU16 7JY 46 0 51.316491 -0.735242
GU16 7NJ 4 0 51.313679 -0.722234
GU16 7QQ 1 0 51.317031 -0.751267
GU16 7PL 23 17 51.316883 -0.751673
GU16 7PF 1 1 51.316268 -0.752166
GU16 7PG 1 1 51.31535 -0.752091
GU16 7PN 1 1 51.317615 -0.750322
GU16 7QH 2 2 51.311842 -0.746963
GU16 7QR 4 4 51.316345 -0.750944
GU16 7RD 48 0 51.319195 -0.746763
GU16 7RE 51 1 51.319418 -0.744891
GU16 7RF 54 1 51.318634 -0.746405
GU16 7SR 1 1 51.31375 -0.754688
GU16 7UJ 1 1 51.319666 -0.742029
GU16 7UN 1 1 51.330863 -0.766641