all postcodes in GU16 / CAMBERLEY

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU16 7ZR 1 1 51.330863 -0.766641
GU16 7ZS 1 1 51.330863 -0.766641
GU16 7ZT 1 1 51.330863 -0.766641
GU16 7ZU 1 1 51.330863 -0.766641
GU16 7ZW 1 1 51.330863 -0.766641
GU16 7WW 1 1 51.330863 -0.766641
GU16 7EX 1 1 51.315279 -0.746296
GU16 7SG 13 9 51.311911 -0.751707
GU16 7AL 9 5 51.315118 -0.749755
GU16 7HY 24 11 51.314096 -0.7433
GU16 7AN 15 0 51.314924 -0.742543
GU16 7AP 6 0 51.314827 -0.742761
GU16 7AR 9 0 51.314991 -0.742986
GU16 7AS 9 0 51.315068 -0.743414
GU16 7AU 7 0 51.315523 -0.743057
GU16 7AW 5 0 51.314874 -0.742099
GU16 7AT 0 51.315246 -0.74328
GU16 7HZ 0 51.313722 -0.74368
GU16 8AG 7 0 51.313929 -0.737781
GU16 8AL 30 0 51.312111 -0.736023