all postcodes in GU18 / LIGHTWATER

find any address or company within the GU18 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU18 5QN 53 0 51.345428 -0.674284
GU18 5QQ 43 0 51.346798 -0.665055
GU18 5QR 7 0 51.347251 -0.670828
GU18 5QS 28 0 51.347201 -0.671993
GU18 5QT 13 0 51.346917 -0.67315
GU18 5QU 16 0 51.346616 -0.674393
GU18 5QW 41 0 51.344652 -0.674809
GU18 5QX 17 0 51.345232 -0.675998
GU18 5QY 5 0 51.348425 -0.657081
GU18 5QZ 24 0 51.34876 -0.656511
GU18 5RA 26 7 51.352388 -0.667951
GU18 5RB 26 0 51.352802 -0.670294
GU18 5RD 16 1 51.352887 -0.673103
GU18 5RE 14 0 51.353315 -0.673554
GU18 5RF 45 0 51.352837 -0.675765
GU18 5RG 41 3 51.351429 -0.678548
GU18 5RH 25 0 51.353522 -0.676693
GU18 5RJ 18 2 51.35365 -0.676115
GU18 5RL 31 0 51.353899 -0.674298
GU18 5RN 3 0 51.355217 -0.669966