all postcodes in GU18 / LIGHTWATER

find any address or company within the GU18 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU18 5AA 28 0 51.352072 -0.670143
GU18 5AE 4 0 51.352955 -0.674282
GU18 5AF 4 0 51.35306 -0.674078
GU18 5HQ 1 1 51.317681 -0.555851
GU18 5LA 18 0 51.344575 -0.683972
GU18 5LB 29 0 51.34381 -0.685516
GU18 5LD 17 0 51.343064 -0.686283
GU18 5LE 40 0 51.342315 -0.685257
GU18 5LF 46 0 51.343159 -0.68361
GU18 5LQ 1 1 51.317681 -0.555851
GU18 5NA 6 0 51.348154 -0.681529
GU18 5NB 9 0 51.34856 -0.680842
GU18 5ND 12 0 51.348711 -0.679947
GU18 5NE 9 0 51.353505 -0.677627
GU18 5PA 35 0 51.343589 -0.681057
GU18 5PB 19 0 51.344988 -0.681447
GU18 5PE 19 0 51.345705 -0.679646
GU18 5PF 13 0 51.346043 -0.678559
GU18 5PJ 11 0 51.349345 -0.658935
GU18 5QA 9 0 51.352929 -0.676753