all postcodes in GU2 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU2 4AB 4 51.234868 -0.577797
GU2 4AH 0 51.232837 -0.576398
GU2 4AJ 2 51.234683 -0.576922
GU2 4AL 0 51.23355 -0.578124
GU2 4AN 0 51.233644 -0.57772
GU2 4AS 0 51.233343 -0.578044
GU2 4AT 0 51.232676 -0.577936
GU2 4AU 0 51.23265 -0.578345
GU2 4AW 13 51.234095 -0.577327
GU2 4AX 1 51.231647 -0.576879
GU2 4BE 2 51.233096 -0.576218
GU2 4AZ 1 51.232788 -0.57683
GU2 4BA 0 51.232769 -0.577503
GU2 4BB 1 51.232276 -0.576086
GU2 4BD 0 51.231803 -0.575685
GU2 4HJ 3 51.23431 -0.576983
GU2 4BG 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU2 4BL 3 51.23451 -0.577894
GU2 4BP 0 51.23313 -0.578631
GU2 4BS 1 51.232364 -0.578905