all postcodes in GU2 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU2 4BW 0 51.233538 -0.578583
GU2 4BX 1 51.23222 -0.57891
GU2 4DB 0 51.231595 -0.578499
GU2 4DD 0 51.2317 -0.577551
GU2 4DE 0 51.231216 -0.57768
GU2 4DG 1 51.230847 -0.578408
GU2 4DH 0 51.233362 -0.579183
GU2 4DJ 1 51.230203 -0.578657
GU2 4DL 0 51.229748 -0.57779
GU2 4DN 0 51.227995 -0.577507
GU2 4DQ 0 51.2304 -0.577877
GU2 4DR 2 51.229345 -0.577623
GU2 4DT 0 51.228587 -0.577389
GU2 4DU 1 51.226514 -0.579988
GU2 4DW 0 51.225886 -0.58088
GU2 4DX 0 51.226943 -0.579001
GU2 4DZ 1 51.227141 -0.580527
GU2 4EA 0 51.229374 -0.578568
GU2 4EB 1 51.226427 -0.579503
GU2 4ED 0 51.225972 -0.579016