all postcodes in GU2 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU2 8AE 2 51.249733 -0.590478
GU2 8AF 4 51.250007 -0.590025
GU2 8AG 1 51.250465 -0.59378
GU2 8AH 0 51.250926 -0.593909
GU2 8AJ 0 51.250195 -0.59449
GU2 8AL 0 51.249585 -0.593835
GU2 8AN 0 51.247747 -0.593519
GU2 8AP 0 51.248921 -0.590202
GU2 8AQ 0 51.25051 -0.595549
GU2 8AR 0 51.249136 -0.591614
GU2 8AS 0 51.248018 -0.589914
GU2 8AT 0 51.24859 -0.588865
GU2 8AU 1 51.24804 -0.586826
GU2 8AW 0 51.248037 -0.591475
GU2 8AX 0 51.248545 -0.587347
GU2 8AZ 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU2 8BA 0 51.249607 -0.591943
GU2 8BD 0 51.250712 -0.596618
GU2 8BE 9 51.250254 -0.59711
GU2 8BG 0 51.251316 -0.597995