all postcodes in GU2 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU2 9NG 36 0 51.25128 -0.586705
GU2 9NH 20 0 51.251997 -0.58578
GU2 9NJ 47 0 51.250677 -0.586723
GU2 9NL 27 0 51.251038 -0.586841
GU2 9NN 36 0 51.253007 -0.585276
GU2 9NP 17 0 51.253304 -0.586055
GU2 9NQ 26 1 51.25199 -0.58674
GU2 9NR 50 2 51.253786 -0.587273
GU2 9NS 53 0 51.254098 -0.588481
GU2 9NT 18 0 51.254084 -0.590345
GU2 9NU 27 0 51.253255 -0.590227
GU2 9NW 24 0 51.252859 -0.587187
GU2 9NX 13 0 51.253811 -0.590812
GU2 9NY 30 0 51.252983 -0.58853
GU2 9NZ 25 0 51.252819 -0.589853
GU2 9PA 45 0 51.252146 -0.588426
GU2 9PB 9 3 51.264204 -0.585377
GU2 9PD 30 0 51.256292 -0.591467
GU2 9PE 8 0 51.255378 -0.590979
GU2 9PF 10 0 51.255359 -0.590205