all postcodes in GU20 / WINDLESHAM

find any address or company within the GU20 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU20 6BP 13 0 51.365657 -0.658919
GU20 6BS 9 0 51.362454 -0.659572
GU20 6BT 16 0 51.361396 -0.657463
GU20 6BU 6 0 51.360372 -0.656832
GU20 6BW 10 0 51.36276 -0.663542
GU20 6BX 3 1 51.356172 -0.663791
GU20 6BY 5 1 51.359202 -0.656709
GU20 6BZ 4 0 51.359549 -0.655636
GU20 6DA 6 0 51.360164 -0.655944
GU20 6DB 11 0 51.361062 -0.655017
GU20 6DD 25 0 51.362718 -0.655155
GU20 6DE 2 0 51.361916 -0.653465
GU20 6DF 2 0 51.361737 -0.656616
GU20 6DG 7 0 51.361942 -0.656452
GU20 6DH 6 0 51.36326 -0.655365
GU20 6DJ 10 0 51.363805 -0.655037
GU20 6DL 25 2 51.365512 -0.656434
GU20 6DN 14 0 51.361957 -0.655464
GU20 6DP 26 0 51.366529 -0.654224
GU20 6DQ 7 0 51.362781 -0.6559