all postcodes in GU20 / WINDLESHAM

find any address or company within the GU20 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU20 6DS 7 0 51.366129 -0.657713
GU20 6DT 5 2 51.366439 -0.657301
GU20 6DU 14 0 51.366592 -0.655041
GU20 6DW 7 0 51.365462 -0.657574
GU20 6DX 29 4 51.365411 -0.655493
GU20 6DY 26 0 51.366123 -0.654093
GU20 6DZ 24 0 51.365685 -0.654321
GU20 6EA 20 0 51.367256 -0.654907
GU20 6EB 6 0 51.366647 -0.656692
GU20 6ED 10 0 51.367692 -0.655253
GU20 6EE 10 0 51.36784 -0.654876
GU20 6EN 13 1 51.365388 -0.653554
GU20 6EP 23 0 51.365494 -0.652603
GU20 6ET 11 2 51.364664 -0.653916
GU20 6EW 12 1 51.366003 -0.652301
GU20 6EX 17 0 51.365109 -0.651896
GU20 6EY 15 0 51.367506 -0.653158
GU20 6EZ 5 0 51.367666 -0.652984
GU20 6HA 9 0 51.367454 -0.652502
GU20 6HB 5 0 51.367385 -0.655966