all postcodes in GU22 / WOKING

find any address or company within the GU22 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU22 8AA 14 1 51.317088 -0.539238
GU22 8AB 27 1 51.317334 -0.538771
GU22 8AF 21 0 51.320405 -0.540553
GU22 8AH 8 0 51.321942 -0.541251
GU22 8AJ 7 0 51.322938 -0.54109
GU22 8AL 17 1 51.324077 -0.541542
GU22 8AN 28 0 51.320138 -0.53861
GU22 8AP 1 1 51.322309 -0.543306
GU22 8AR 4 4 51.322318 -0.54332
GU22 8AS 5 0 51.322148 -0.540484
GU22 8AT 19 0 51.320699 -0.538965
GU22 8AU 6 0 51.321637 -0.539151
GU22 8AX 6 0 51.319139 -0.540062
GU22 8AY 48 0 51.321417 -0.538785
GU22 8AZ 6 0 51.321546 -0.537661
GU22 8BA 25 0 51.320622 -0.537045
GU22 8BB 19 0 51.318306 -0.536717
GU22 8BD 8 8 51.32359 -0.542921
GU22 8BF 9 8 51.307808 -0.535839
GU22 8BG 28 0 51.318288 -0.537406