all postcodes in GU22 / WOKING

find any address or company within the GU22 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU22 0BF 1 1 51.317681 -0.555851
GU22 0BG 46 0 51.306425 -0.566347
GU22 0BH 24 0 51.305454 -0.565646
GU22 0BJ 37 0 51.305484 -0.566591
GU22 0BL 14 0 51.304294 -0.567045
GU22 0BN 30 0 51.303421 -0.564834
GU22 0BP 18 0 51.304046 -0.567397
GU22 0BQ 22 0 51.306109 -0.564033
GU22 0BS 39 0 51.303875 -0.568119
GU22 0BT 21 0 51.306619 -0.563099
GU22 0BU 26 0 51.304057 -0.566062
GU22 0BW 30 0 51.305234 -0.564519
GU22 0DB 49 0 51.304508 -0.57576
GU22 0DE 2 0 51.304455 -0.571525
GU22 0DF 28 0 51.30547 -0.572072
GU22 0DG 26 0 51.307251 -0.569162
GU22 0DH 23 2 51.30671 -0.571245
GU22 0DJ 23 0 51.306256 -0.573841
GU22 0DL 11 0 51.307812 -0.573879
GU22 0DN 7 0 51.308079 -0.572909