all postcodes in GU22 / WOKING

find any address or company within the GU22 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU22 0DP 22 0 51.307397 -0.577493
GU22 0DT 13 0 51.30597 -0.578455
GU22 0DQ 2 0 51.306576 -0.569952
GU22 0DR 15 1 51.307489 -0.575367
GU22 0DS 6 0 51.306422 -0.576404
GU22 0DU 12 0 51.305553 -0.576703
GU22 0DW 1 0 51.309072 -0.573194
GU22 0DX 8 1 51.307544 -0.57921
GU22 0DY 9 0 51.308272 -0.579933
GU22 0EH 8 0 51.311174 -0.573746
GU22 0EJ 30 0 51.311717 -0.572553
GU22 0EL 11 0 51.310655 -0.572528
GU22 0EN 8 0 51.311348 -0.574802
GU22 0EP 36 0 51.311688 -0.571693
GU22 0ER 13 0 51.310232 -0.574693
GU22 0ES 12 0 51.308652 -0.573437
GU22 0ET 24 0 51.308365 -0.574938
GU22 0EU 25 6 51.30923 -0.575236
GU22 0EW 24 0 51.310275 -0.576041
GU22 0EX 14 2 51.309512 -0.573941