all postcodes in GU25 / VIRGINIA WATER

find any address or company within the GU25 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU25 4AA 6 51.401883 -0.563072
GU25 4AB 5 51.401963 -0.563664
GU25 4AD 1 51.401865 -0.563763
GU25 4AE 7 51.402336 -0.564069
GU25 4AF 0 51.402833 -0.564959
GU25 4AG 0 51.403855 -0.564726
GU25 4AH 0 51.40293 -0.562627
GU25 4AJ 0 51.405141 -0.564024
GU25 4AL 0 51.405576 -0.562817
GU25 4AN 0 51.404832 -0.562294
GU25 4AP 0 51.40862 -0.564692
GU25 4AQ 0 51.403411 -0.563733
GU25 4AR 1 0 51.40767 -0.565627
GU25 4AS 15 0 51.406564 -0.567819
GU25 4AT 12 0 51.404899 -0.57066
GU25 4AU 11 0 51.404422 -0.567727
GU25 4AW 10 0 51.407277 -0.564389
GU25 4AX 18 0 51.40602 -0.566757
GU25 4AY 4 0 51.406645 -0.564897
GU25 4AZ 6 0 51.401201 -0.560209