all postcodes in GU29 / MIDHURST

find any address or company within the GU29 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU29 0AA 14 0 50.999633 -0.731656
GU29 0AB 5 0 51.003474 -0.729533
GU29 0AD 55 0 51.001399 -0.732227
GU29 0AE 8 0 50.996176 -0.726378
GU29 0AG 6 0 50.995757 -0.726153
GU29 0AH 2 0 50.995267 -0.72542
GU29 0AJ 10 2 50.994759 -0.726195
GU29 0AL 34 1 50.996565 -0.724364
GU29 0AN 19 0 50.997087 -0.725205
GU29 0AQ 1 1 50.987293 -0.716141
GU29 0AR 4 0 50.996755 -0.72453
GU29 0AU 4 1 50.984263 -0.723561
GU29 0AW 8 3 50.996189 -0.723733
GU29 0AX 10 0 50.985328 -0.71571
GU29 0AY 10 0 50.987293 -0.716141
GU29 0AZ 10 0 50.9827 -0.703261
GU29 0BA 3 0 50.984688 -0.69366
GU29 0BB 2 1 50.994015 -0.721963
GU29 0BD 11 0 50.998861 -0.719669
GU29 0BE 20 1 50.999834 -0.717377