all postcodes in GU29 / MIDHURST

find any address or company within the GU29 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU29 9BU 31 0 50.979376 -0.748154
GU29 9BW 4 0 50.995617 -0.728166
GU29 9BX 14 2 50.985767 -0.739243
GU29 9BY 16 9 50.986552 -0.738914
GU29 9DA 7 2 50.986404 -0.739346
GU29 9DD 1 1 50.986528 -0.740069
GU29 9DE 24 1 50.986135 -0.738641
GU29 9DF 4 0 50.985981 -0.738502
GU29 9DG 6 3 50.986797 -0.739093
GU29 9DH 19 14 50.987658 -0.738651
GU29 9DJ 49 25 50.987839 -0.738224
GU29 9DL 1 1 50.987327 -0.738238
GU29 9DN 1 1 50.987713 -0.738156
GU29 9DP 1 1 50.986207 -0.739465
GU29 9DQ 23 13 50.986894 -0.738121
GU29 9DR 15 6 50.988364 -0.73848
GU29 9BZ 5 0 50.987826 -0.73868
GU29 9EF 4 0 50.987733 -0.739224
GU29 9DT 1 1 50.991643 -0.738771
GU29 9DU 4 1 50.989849 -0.737742