all postcodes in GU2 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU2 7XN 0 51.239469 -0.609715
GU2 7XP 1 51.239335 -0.605952
GU2 7XR 0 51.239311 -0.608517
GU2 7XU 1 51.239457 -0.605647
GU2 7XX 1 51.241016 -0.607463
GU2 7XY 1 51.238287 -0.614215
GU2 7XZ 1 51.236784 -0.603178
GU2 7YF 4 51.241157 -0.61326
GU2 7YG 25 51.240262 -0.612113
GU2 7YL 5 51.247083 -0.590266
GU2 7AG 2 51.24143 -0.615338
GU2 7YS 1 51.239217 -0.614264
GU2 7YX 0 51.239136 -0.611187
GU2 7YZ 0 51.239203 -0.610319
GU2 7ZE 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU2 7ZU 0 51.245283 -0.582332
GU2 7WG 1 51.239034 -0.60715
GU2 7YE 2 1 51.241892 -0.617129
GU2 7YW 6 6 51.237479 -0.612468
GU2 7AB 1 1 51.239617 -0.613794