all postcodes in GU30 / LIPHOOK

find any address or company within the GU30 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU30 7AA 6 0 51.076324 -0.80342
GU30 7AB 13 8 51.076776 -0.803185
GU30 7AD 1 1 51.076837 -0.803493
GU30 7AE 1 1 51.076547 -0.802791
GU30 7AH 21 11 51.077007 -0.802893
GU30 7AJ 24 0 51.078983 -0.793934
GU30 7AL 36 4 51.076827 -0.801114
GU30 7AN 39 10 51.079471 -0.800784
GU30 7AP 12 1 51.079628 -0.802007
GU30 7AQ 1 1 51.076073 -0.802627
GU30 7AR 18 1 51.080805 -0.803152
GU30 7AS 18 0 51.08014 -0.803212
GU30 7AT 35 0 51.082059 -0.802749
GU30 7AU 28 0 51.082085 -0.803943
GU30 7AX 34 0 51.081606 -0.802404
GU30 7AY 30 0 51.076987 -0.799182
GU30 7AZ 53 11 51.076222 -0.799987
GU30 7BA 3 0 51.076986 -0.796413
GU30 7BB 18 0 51.077911 -0.798987
GU30 7BD 31 0 51.079623 -0.797544