all postcodes in GU31 / PETERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU31 5JU 3 0 50.993635 -0.815057
GU31 5JW 3 0 50.990014 -0.828481
GU31 5JX 2 0 50.990934 -0.817971
GU31 5LB 22 1 50.967448 -0.881618
GU31 5LD 10 0 50.969174 -0.878454
GU31 5LE 22 0 50.968636 -0.879795
GU31 5LF 2 0 50.969426 -0.877536
GU31 5LG 43 0 50.967873 -0.880013
GU31 5LH 3 0 50.967325 -0.880054
GU31 5LJ 18 0 50.967134 -0.878849
GU31 5LL 19 0 50.967359 -0.877932
GU31 5LN 3 0 50.968063 -0.87726
GU31 5LP 1 0 50.963085 -0.87775
GU31 5LQ 28 0 50.966808 -0.881448
GU31 5LR 12 0 50.967686 -0.875488
GU31 5LS 7 0 50.970121 -0.870659
GU31 5LT 8 0 50.967627 -0.86844
GU31 5LU 11 0 50.970762 -0.866271
GU31 5LW 5 0 50.966636 -0.876696
GU31 5LX 1 0 50.969228 -0.865724