all postcodes in GU31 / PETERSFIELD

find any address or company within the GU31 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU31 5LY 8 0 50.969037 -0.864532
GU31 5LZ 14 0 50.970672 -0.862541
GU31 5NE 10 0 50.971898 -0.860119
GU31 5NA 2 0 50.973563 -0.86174
GU31 5NB 7 0 50.972613 -0.860585
GU31 5ND 1 0 50.979007 -0.850154
GU31 5NF 1 0 50.969757 -0.858134
GU31 5NG 5 0 50.966472 -0.856919
GU31 5NN 12 0 50.973178 -0.879899
GU31 5NP 5 0 50.972863 -0.880573
GU31 5NQ 3 0 50.965937 -0.869464
GU31 5NR 10 0 50.975295 -0.877238
GU31 5NS 4 0 50.975965 -0.879861
GU31 5NT 11 1 50.981924 -0.885131
GU31 5NU 6 0 50.985109 -0.884371
GU31 5NW 7 0 50.971822 -0.881043
GU31 5NX 3 0 50.985795 -0.883699
GU31 5NY 7 0 50.985186 -0.881135
GU31 5NZ 6 0 50.986673 -0.889063
GU31 5PA 10 1 50.985324 -0.893797