all postcodes in GU32 / LISS

find any address or company within the GU32 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU32 2BA 3 0 51.01449 -0.919659
GU32 2BB 6 0 51.020431 -0.921274
GU32 2BD 5 0 51.022953 -0.923087
GU32 2BE 2 0 51.024317 -0.923295
GU32 2BG 4 0 51.026392 -0.920526
GU32 2BJ 5 1 51.029777 -0.916112
GU32 2BL 13 0 51.030636 -0.923493
GU32 2BN 22 7 51.030783 -0.926325
GU32 2BP 8 1 51.025676 -0.924404
GU32 2BS 3 0 51.030211 -0.925101
GU32 2BW 12 0 51.029958 -0.924576
GU32 2BY 7 2 51.018369 -0.927795
GU32 2BZ 4 0 51.016725 -0.934237
GU32 2DA 6 1 51.021459 -0.927453
GU32 2DB 7 1 51.023912 -0.933114
GU32 2DD 8 0 51.022441 -0.938897
GU32 2DE 9 1 51.022788 -0.939473
GU32 2DF 15 0 51.022575 -0.940747
GU32 2DG 1 1 51.020753 -0.942186
GU32 2DH 4 0 51.023681 -0.945755