all postcodes in GU32 / LISS

find any address or company within the GU32 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU32 1AA 7 0 51.034751 -0.940826
GU32 1AB 13 0 51.032265 -0.946259
GU32 1AD 5 0 51.028493 -0.948798
GU32 1AE 21 0 51.026164 -0.951845
GU32 1AF 37 0 51.023396 -0.95065
GU32 1AG 24 5 51.023344 -0.952265
GU32 1AH 3 0 51.021397 -0.957353
GU32 1AJ 6 0 51.018913 -0.957152
GU32 1AL 5 0 51.018555 -0.957719
GU32 1AQ 8 1 51.016693 -0.954639
GU32 1AN 3 0 51.017084 -0.960218
GU32 1AS 12 1 51.013602 -0.963005
GU32 1AT 10 0 51.0131 -0.965211
GU32 1AU 4 0 51.015634 -0.969018
GU32 1AW 2 0 51.022218 -0.950648
GU32 1AX 4 0 51.010786 -0.966486
GU32 1AY 5 0 51.009627 -0.966669
GU32 1AZ 4 0 51.009041 -0.966812
GU32 1BB 10 0 51.035361 -0.957656
GU32 1BD 6 1 51.039477 -0.963908