all postcodes in GU32 / LISS

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
GU32 1EP10051.015293-1.004438
GU32 1EQ7051.034031-0.987933
GU32 1ER6051.017533-1.013999
GU32 1ES4051.017952-1.0158
GU32 1ET5051.02415-1.018164
GU32 1EU1051.013147-1.022915
GU32 1EX6051.005238-1.024464
GU32 1EY3050.996203-1.026891
GU32 1EZ9150.982079-1.026232
GU32 1HA2050.981657-1.029216
GU32 1HB4050.981357-1.028923
GU32 1HD6050.963579-1.031374
GU32 1HF31050.96665-1.034145
GU32 1HG7550.96796-1.042491
GU32 1HH2050.984056-1.05206
GU32 1HJ8050.980578-1.05813
GU32 1HL10050.992863-1.030865
GU32 1HN3050.980167-1.068251
GU32 1HP2050.981076-1.028602
GU32 1HQ5050.984657-1.048558