all postcodes in GU34 / ALTON

find any address or company within the GU34 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU34 1AA 1 51.147282 -0.977125
GU34 1AB 15 51.147797 -0.976698
GU34 1AF 1 51.147774 -0.976829
GU34 1AG 10 51.148071 -0.975864
GU34 1AH 0 51.149551 -0.973387
GU34 1AJ 0 51.149883 -0.972578
GU34 1AN 0 51.146747 -0.973563
GU34 1AS 1 51.149401 -0.972618
GU34 1AT 1 51.148606 -0.975338
GU34 1AU 2 51.147601 -0.97556
GU34 1AW 22 51.14888 -0.975088
GU34 1AY 0 51.150224 -0.973214
GU34 1BA 2 51.149882 -0.973478
GU34 1BD 9 51.149166 -0.975611
GU34 1BF 1 51.149113 -0.975698
GU34 1BG 1 51.148926 -0.975888
GU34 1BJ 1 51.148837 -0.975976
GU34 1BL 0 51.149752 -0.97474
GU34 1BN 8 51.149732 -0.974555
GU34 1BQ 1 51.149033 -0.975857