all postcodes in GU34 / ALTON

find any address or company within the GU34 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU34 1BS 1 51.148803 -0.975176
GU34 1BT 1 51.149978 -0.974205
GU34 1BU 1 51.15008 -0.97419
GU34 1BW 0 51.149615 -0.975587
GU34 1BX 8 51.150661 -0.973132
GU34 1DA 0 51.150003 -0.969573
GU34 1DD 15 51.150568 -0.972791
GU34 1DE 6 51.15146 -0.971928
GU34 1DF 0 51.151585 -0.971554
GU34 1DG 0 51.151684 -0.971523
GU34 1DH 4 51.152586 -0.970115
GU34 1DJ 0 51.15017 -0.970142
GU34 1DN 1 51.151748 -0.970664
GU34 1GD 0 51.151083 -0.970679
GU34 1DP 0 51.151133 -0.970249
GU34 1DQ 3 51.151404 -0.971401
GU34 1DR 0 51.150987 -0.969995
GU34 1DS 0 51.150718 -0.969313
GU34 1DT 0 51.145804 -0.97507
GU34 1DU 0 51.150463 -0.969735