all postcodes in GU34 / ALTON

find any address or company within the GU34 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU34 5BB 6 0 51.105921 -1.051186
GU34 5BD 22 0 51.107617 -1.060793
GU34 5BE 21 0 51.107149 -1.060759
GU34 5BF 10 0 51.114787 -1.037903
GU34 5BG 64 0 51.109071 -1.055992
GU34 5BH 28 0 51.118418 -1.027898
GU34 5BJ 23 0 51.115393 -1.033347
GU34 5FX 18 0 51.115603 -1.034386
GU34 5GS 10 0 51.115993 -1.032991
GU34 5BL 35 0 51.113478 -1.038388
GU34 5BN 28 0 51.112476 -1.037308
GU34 5BP 16 0 51.110868 -1.039199
GU34 5BQ 4 0 51.107505 -1.059124
GU34 5BS 2 0 51.110521 -1.041205
GU34 5BT 16 0 51.111385 -1.040845
GU34 5BU 4 0 51.110788 -1.042572
GU34 5BW 8 0 51.112106 -1.038859
GU34 5BX 25 0 51.110102 -1.0434
GU34 5BY 5 0 51.109762 -1.045822
GU34 5BZ 4 0 51.109421 -1.0448