all postcodes in GU3 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU3 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU3 1BE 5 0 51.204214 -0.683982
GU3 1BG 13 0 51.205197 -0.692256
GU3 1BH 4 0 51.221692 -0.676749
GU3 1BQ 5 0 51.214905 -0.678322
GU3 1DA 8 0 51.227853 -0.615995
GU3 1DD 3 0 51.228892 -0.617138
GU3 1DE 4 0 51.232764 -0.628237
GU3 1DF 6 0 51.237358 -0.625121
GU3 1DG 3 0 51.225462 -0.640078
GU3 1DQ 19 6 51.22223 -0.628736
GU3 1DJ 2 0 51.221684 -0.630766
GU3 1DL 8 0 51.222632 -0.636438
GU3 1DN 9 0 51.217988 -0.632786
GU3 1DP 1 0 51.214536 -0.645989
GU3 1DR 12 0 51.211609 -0.646375
GU3 1DS 9 0 51.212376 -0.644291
GU3 1DT 5 0 51.214665 -0.647846
GU3 1DU 24 1 51.216202 -0.648546
GU3 1DW 2 0 51.214233 -0.64648
GU3 1DX 5 1 51.217027 -0.646002