all postcodes in GU3 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU3 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU3 1AA 2 0 51.231557 -0.634513
GU3 1AD 1 0 51.22615 -0.646717
GU3 1AG 14 5 51.225604 -0.647636
GU3 1AH 13 1 51.224668 -0.662246
GU3 1AJ 4 1 51.221238 -0.662647
GU3 1AL 9 2 51.22125 -0.659797
GU3 1AN 5 0 51.218111 -0.660518
GU3 1AP 10 0 51.217878 -0.6559
GU3 1AQ 5 1 51.226491 -0.665917
GU3 1AR 22 2 51.222131 -0.666859
GU3 1AS 6 1 51.22297 -0.667838
GU3 1AT 30 0 51.221735 -0.670737
GU3 1AU 37 0 51.221965 -0.671189
GU3 1AW 2 0 51.218108 -0.660499
GU3 1AX 21 0 51.221637 -0.675638
GU3 1AY 8 0 51.222085 -0.675439
GU3 1AZ 27 0 51.221376 -0.677177
GU3 1BA 7 0 51.219943 -0.680111
GU3 1BB 18 3 51.217407 -0.684049
GU3 1BD 13 1 51.219338 -0.67053