all postcodes in GU46 / YATELEY

find any address or company within the GU46 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU46 7RD 41 0 51.345114 -0.841366
GU46 7RE 8 0 51.345824 -0.841362
GU46 7RF 15 0 51.346011 -0.84387
GU46 7RG 18 0 51.345696 -0.842931
GU46 7RH 15 0 51.344857 -0.845393
GU46 7RJ 7 0 51.344522 -0.845229
GU46 7RL 16 0 51.343934 -0.843923
GU46 7RN 6 0 51.34434 -0.842247
GU46 7RP 2 2 51.342695 -0.835854
GU46 7RQ 5 0 51.344424 -0.844399
GU46 7RR 40 0 51.346063 -0.845592
GU46 7RS 14 0 51.346388 -0.844737
GU46 7RT 17 0 51.345663 -0.846894
GU46 7RU 2 1 51.347604 -0.845855
GU46 7RW 40 0 51.343349 -0.842014
GU46 7RX 25 10 51.342468 -0.828437
GU46 7SA 20 1 51.342981 -0.827708
GU46 7SB 14 5 51.343232 -0.830258
GU46 7SD 30 0 51.345193 -0.8286
GU46 7SE 18 3 51.343748 -0.829771