all postcodes in GU46 / YATELEY

find any address or company within the GU46 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU46 6AT 15 5 51.330953 -0.811003
GU46 6AE 1 0 51.337514 -0.816047
GU46 6AF 24 0 51.336812 -0.814257
GU46 6AG 28 4 51.33611 -0.810571
GU46 6AH 18 0 51.335704 -0.811328
GU46 6AJ 24 0 51.337522 -0.814138
GU46 6AL 43 0 51.337093 -0.811737
GU46 6AN 63 0 51.337786 -0.817131
GU46 6AP 10 0 51.337449 -0.816724
GU46 6AQ 14 0 51.336325 -0.814987
GU46 6AR 18 0 51.336197 -0.818335
GU46 6AS 10 0 51.339348 -0.817809
GU46 6AU 13 0 51.338525 -0.818261
GU46 6AW 23 0 51.330734 -0.823212
GU46 6AX 9 0 51.33701 -0.819563
GU46 6AY 1 0 51.333654 -0.818484
GU46 6AZ 1 0 51.335032 -0.818681
GU46 6BA 21 2 51.334303 -0.822245
GU46 6BB 19 1 51.333009 -0.821417
GU46 6BD 9 0 51.330354 -0.825705