all postcodes in GU46 / YATELEY

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU46 6BE 10 0 51.328291 -0.82082
GU46 6BG 8 0 51.331337 -0.825077
GU46 6BH 30 0 51.335751 -0.816007
GU46 6BJ 35 0 51.336139 -0.81703
GU46 6BL 7 0 51.335381 -0.817638
GU46 6BN 4 0 51.336652 -0.816227
GU46 6BP 16 0 51.335327 -0.831105
GU46 6BQ 6 0 51.330118 -0.82363
GU46 6BS 8 0 51.333661 -0.829066
GU46 6BT 5 1 51.333619 -0.826626
GU46 6BU 11 0 51.333442 -0.827779
GU46 6BW 12 0 51.33707 -0.816576
GU46 6BX 13 0 51.332876 -0.826933
GU46 6BY 39 4 51.331023 -0.826937
GU46 6BZ 18 0 51.331572 -0.827884
GU46 6DA 39 0 51.332184 -0.826118
GU46 6DB 25 0 51.329398 -0.828069
GU46 6DD 16 0 51.328939 -0.828942
GU46 6DE 17 0 51.329973 -0.828959
GU46 6DF 26 0 51.328781 -0.831099