all postcodes in GU47 / YATELEY

find any address or company within the GU47 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU47 0AB 19 0 51.345386 -0.775265
GU47 0DU 64 0 51.34989 -0.784711
GU47 0DX 10 0 51.349903 -0.783361
GU47 0DY 10 0 51.3499 -0.78395
GU47 0DZ 49 0 51.348483 -0.784347
GU47 0EA 28 1 51.348881 -0.783704
GU47 0FA 19 0 51.341066 -0.780982
GU47 0FD 2 2 51.336337 -0.775836
GU47 0FE 45 0 51.338426 -0.777923
GU47 0FF 8 0 51.339046 -0.776169
GU47 0FG 16 0 51.339205 -0.777543
GU47 0FH 40 0 51.341509 -0.783856
GU47 0FJ 32 0 51.339532 -0.781367
GU47 0FL 15 0 51.34009 -0.78309
GU47 0FN 51 0 51.339897 -0.780137
GU47 0FP 9 0 51.34175 -0.782799
GU47 0FQ 17 0 51.338761 -0.778086
GU47 0FR 13 0 51.34035 -0.783901
GU47 0FS 27 0 51.340798 -0.78465
GU47 0FT 9 0 51.342103 -0.783826