all postcodes in GU47 / YATELEY

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU47 9DD 8 7 51.344984 -0.803392
GU47 9DE 10 0 51.34638 -0.800082
GU47 9DF 10 0 51.346452 -0.79929
GU47 9DG 26 0 51.347283 -0.800518
GU47 9DH 20 0 51.346946 -0.800943
GU47 9DJ 2 0 51.347531 -0.801888
GU47 9DL 23 0 51.348386 -0.801035
GU47 9DN 13 11 51.344915 -0.804555
GU47 9DP 32 0 51.345088 -0.793425
GU47 9DQ 14 0 51.347243 -0.799183
GU47 9DR 6 4 51.344927 -0.803149
GU47 9DS 1 1 51.346074 -0.801842
GU47 9DT 27 20 51.345759 -0.800916
GU47 9DU 24 8 51.346086 -0.801224
GU47 9DX 18 5 51.346809 -0.803387
GU47 9DY 14 0 51.343098 -0.795803
GU47 9DZ 11 0 51.343969 -0.797388
GU47 9EA 4 0 51.347412 -0.803427
GU47 9EH 21 0 51.346643 -0.802097
GU47 9EJ 13 0 51.347756 -0.802817