all postcodes in GU4 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU4 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU4 7BA 3 0 51.254132 -0.533524
GU4 7BB 12 0 51.254846 -0.533774
GU4 7BD 1 0 51.256155 -0.534893
GU4 7BE 3 0 51.256452 -0.529151
GU4 7BF 6 4 51.256454 -0.53292
GU4 7BG 14 0 51.256618 -0.530235
GU4 7BH 17 0 51.255946 -0.53113
GU4 7BJ 6 0 51.255401 -0.531406
GU4 7BL 5 0 51.25572 -0.532499
GU4 7BN 9 7 51.25709 -0.531997
GU4 7BP 2 0 51.256884 -0.533744
GU4 7BQ 6 4 51.257501 -0.531095
GU4 7BS 3 0 51.257512 -0.533359
GU4 7BT 2 0 51.257558 -0.533723
GU4 7BU 27 0 51.256404 -0.538969
GU4 7BW 2 0 51.256748 -0.533677
GU4 7BY 12 0 51.254543 -0.53397
GU4 7BZ 13 0 51.25649 -0.539396
GU4 7DA 3 0 51.246506 -0.528408
GU4 7DB 12 0 51.257064 -0.529203