all postcodes in GU4 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU4 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU4 7LT 26 0 51.257259 -0.549934
GU4 7LU 10 0 51.259683 -0.550288
GU4 7LW 11 0 51.259008 -0.549521
GU4 7LX 17 1 51.260994 -0.550161
GU4 7LY 16 0 51.261321 -0.551168
GU4 7LZ 6 3 51.263114 -0.550008
GU4 7NA 3 0 51.267494 -0.560191
GU4 7NB 3 2 51.26162 -0.550105
GU4 7ND 12 0 51.264394 -0.552419
GU4 7NE 34 0 51.262492 -0.54696
GU4 7NF 12 0 51.263005 -0.545568
GU4 7NG 23 0 51.263587 -0.54608
GU4 7NH 26 0 51.262904 -0.548968
GU4 7NJ 34 0 51.256338 -0.554721
GU4 7NL 34 0 51.25557 -0.55443
GU4 7NN 26 0 51.268803 -0.571661
GU4 7NP 32 0 51.266911 -0.57354
GU4 7NQ 29 0 51.262995 -0.547618
GU4 7NR 22 0 51.267074 -0.572904
GU4 7NS 37 0 51.265932 -0.572237