all postcodes in GU5 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU5 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU5 0AA 24 0 51.2021 -0.559411
GU5 0AB 11 7 51.202458 -0.561038
GU5 0AD 6 0 51.201116 -0.563549
GU5 0AE 11 0 51.200831 -0.56227
GU5 0AG 3 0 51.199536 -0.562267
GU5 0AH 1 1 51.201298 -0.565204
GU5 0AJ 1 1 51.202502 -0.561388
GU5 0AL 34 1 51.199047 -0.565646
GU5 0AN 7 0 51.196927 -0.561475
GU5 0AP 9 0 51.195562 -0.562348
GU5 0AQ 16 0 51.199218 -0.561977
GU5 0AS 12 0 51.193157 -0.561292
GU5 0AT 21 0 51.193657 -0.560232
GU5 0AU 18 0 51.196802 -0.555654
GU5 0AW 2 0 51.197597 -0.560603
GU5 0AX 7 2 51.194883 -0.556859
GU5 0AY 25 1 51.195894 -0.555725
GU5 0AZ 15 14 51.196934 -0.556895
GU5 0BA 13 0 51.194509 -0.556427
GU5 0BB 38 0 51.19375 -0.556136