all postcodes in GU5 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU5 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU5 9RE 10 0 51.205359 -0.443872
GU5 9RG 17 1 51.197426 -0.443972
GU5 9RH 17 0 51.194362 -0.44191
GU5 9RJ 17 0 51.19442 -0.445571
GU5 9RL 16 2 51.193044 -0.445546
GU5 9RN 8 0 51.190503 -0.445861
GU5 9RP 3 0 51.1899 -0.446511
GU5 9RQ 2 0 51.195575 -0.444807
GU5 9RR 16 4 51.191868 -0.447732
GU5 9RS 17 0 51.193492 -0.446833
GU5 9RT 3 0 51.202351 -0.450314
GU5 9RW 5 0 51.190865 -0.446707
GU5 9SH 9 0 51.201691 -0.440532
GU5 9SJ 7 0 51.201669 -0.442293
GU5 9SL 9 0 51.201148 -0.439591
GU5 9SN 4 0 51.201444 -0.438894
GU5 9SP 4 0 51.199197 -0.439685
GU5 9SR 16 1 51.195398 -0.436651
GU5 9SS 15 0 51.194485 -0.438971
GU5 9ST 5 1 51.194932 -0.441518