all postcodes in GU52 / FLEET

find any address or company within the GU52 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU52 0PY 11 0 51.260169 -0.846326
GU52 0RA 1 0 51.256024 -0.846372
GU52 0RB 9 7 51.252948 -0.848338
GU52 0RD 18 17 51.252127 -0.848057
GU52 0RE 3 0 51.250783 -0.850215
GU52 0RF 4 1 51.249387 -0.856382
GU52 0RG 12 0 51.261115 -0.851118
GU52 0RL 4 0 51.252991 -0.849816
GU52 0RN 18 0 51.254598 -0.852298
GU52 0RQ 12 0 51.260766 -0.850338
GU52 0RW 27 0 51.253152 -0.8506
GU52 0TD 11 0 51.262511 -0.854107
GU52 0TE 14 0 51.262852 -0.852164
GU52 0TF 13 0 51.263288 -0.853543
GU52 0TN 6 0 51.260462 -0.850604
GU52 0TP 65 0 51.261042 -0.852897
GU52 0TW 19 0 51.262674 -0.856038
GU52 0UA 24 0 51.261715 -0.851834
GU52 0UR 23 0 51.261597 -0.852596
GU52 0UT 34 0 51.261782 -0.855874