all postcodes in GU52 / FLEET

find any address or company within the GU52 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU52 7LZ 6 0 51.276367 -0.822236
GU52 7NA 15 0 51.272398 -0.833648
GU52 7NB 48 0 51.275797 -0.825491
GU52 7PR 8 0 51.270238 -0.849844
GU52 7QL 36 9 51.277904 -0.844862
GU52 7QP 19 5 51.277424 -0.842582
GU52 7RH 3 0 51.272883 -0.846294
GU52 7RX 7 0 51.273665 -0.84626
GU52 7RY 1 1 51.270759 -0.846046
GU52 7RZ 19 0 51.273234 -0.836293
GU52 7SA 14 0 51.27432 -0.844266
GU52 7SB 16 0 51.275824 -0.841
GU52 7SD 6 1 51.2743 -0.840438
GU52 7SE 29 0 51.273852 -0.84151
GU52 7SF 29 0 51.274315 -0.841958
GU52 7SG 18 0 51.274951 -0.843504
GU52 7SH 16 0 51.273666 -0.848153
GU52 7SJ 33 0 51.271258 -0.84837
GU52 7SL 30 0 51.272255 -0.84641
GU52 7SN 16 0 51.273283 -0.84399