all postcodes in GU52 / FLEET

find any address or company within the GU52 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU52 7TA 27 0 51.274185 -0.837015
GU52 7TB 32 0 51.274315 -0.83737
GU52 7TD 12 0 51.270539 -0.834756
GU52 7TE 4 0 51.271543 -0.836264
GU52 7TF 3 2 51.273871 -0.839775
GU52 7TH 2 2 51.2751 -0.83957
GU52 7TP 25 0 51.270186 -0.835482
GU52 7TR 14 0 51.270679 -0.837132
GU52 7TS 10 0 51.270236 -0.835925
GU52 7TT 20 0 51.26959 -0.837016
GU52 7TU 9 0 51.269971 -0.838225
GU52 7TX 23 0 51.269844 -0.839045
GU52 7TY 13 0 51.270463 -0.839746
GU52 7TZ 6 0 51.270012 -0.838769
GU52 7UA 8 0 51.272864 -0.838898
GU52 7UB 3 0 51.270534 -0.834283
GU52 7UE 21 0 51.27145 -0.838704
GU52 7UF 20 0 51.272396 -0.839798
GU52 7UG 17 0 51.270884 -0.840539
GU52 7UH 6 0 51.270046 -0.841305