all postcodes in GU52 / FLEET

find any address or company within the GU52 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU52 8EQ 26 0 51.261186 -0.831925
GU52 8EW 1 0 51.263285 -0.826927
GU52 8EY 35 0 51.253223 -0.828717
GU52 8EZ 29 0 51.253397 -0.827308
GU52 8GU 1 1 51.288725 -0.831641
GU52 8JA 4 0 51.262266 -0.829444
GU52 8JS 31 2 51.262916 -0.829545
GU52 8JT 12 2 51.262434 -0.830002
GU52 8JU 5 0 51.260925 -0.834655
GU52 8JX 21 2 51.26016 -0.837297
GU52 8JY 15 1 51.260225 -0.838399
GU52 8LA 15 0 51.259389 -0.83756
GU52 8LB 21 0 51.259489 -0.836726
GU52 8LD 9 1 51.259135 -0.838211
GU52 8LE 2 1 51.259324 -0.840124
GU52 8LF 15 0 51.258197 -0.842448
GU52 8LG 18 0 51.256941 -0.844572
GU52 8LH 1 1 51.255772 -0.840947
GU52 8NS 30 0 51.258634 -0.843885
GU52 8QX 5 0 51.256269 -0.845707