all postcodes in GU52 / FLEET

find any address or company within the GU52 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU52 6AH 8 0 51.26694 -0.831823
GU52 6AJ 18 0 51.266872 -0.832211
GU52 6AL 13 0 51.268757 -0.833712
GU52 6AN 15 0 51.269358 -0.831718
GU52 6AP 15 0 51.268828 -0.830026
GU52 6AQ 21 3 51.267394 -0.831352
GU52 6AR 15 0 51.268422 -0.828961
GU52 6AS 10 0 51.268637 -0.82801
GU52 6AT 7 0 51.269309 -0.827792
GU52 6AU 11 0 51.269906 -0.827175
GU52 6AW 24 0 51.267963 -0.830722
GU52 6AX 22 0 51.269741 -0.828727
GU52 6AY 25 0 51.270305 -0.828455
GU52 6AZ 28 0 51.26877 -0.826042
GU52 6BA 32 0 51.268332 -0.828075
GU52 6BB 23 0 51.266909 -0.82877
GU52 6BD 10 0 51.265633 -0.827914
GU52 6BE 6 0 51.26584 -0.827006
GU52 6BG 14 0 51.264596 -0.827611
GU52 6BH 26 0 51.267198 -0.827946