all postcodes in GU52 / FLEET

find any address or company within the GU52 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU52 6EE 9 0 51.265679 -0.82625
GU52 6EF 30 0 51.266414 -0.823336
GU52 6EG 12 0 51.265789 -0.822836
GU52 6ER 4 0 51.267438 -0.834115
GU52 6ES 24 0 51.265017 -0.825651
GU52 6ET 18 0 51.265497 -0.825137
GU52 6EU 13 10 51.265369 -0.824882
GU52 6EX 24 0 51.267157 -0.834626
GU52 6FX 1 1 51.288637 -0.831674
GU52 6HA 20 0 51.26673 -0.833362
GU52 6HB 20 0 51.266174 -0.834393
GU52 6HD 7 0 51.266093 -0.832589
GU52 6HE 18 0 51.267422 -0.835093
GU52 6HF 13 0 51.265935 -0.835632
GU52 6HG 18 0 51.26639 -0.837237
GU52 6HH 16 0 51.265478 -0.839442
GU52 6HJ 13 0 51.265514 -0.840401
GU52 6HL 21 0 51.264616 -0.841399
GU52 6HN 16 0 51.265121 -0.838875
GU52 6HP 16 0 51.265249 -0.836309