all postcodes in GU6 / CRANLEIGH

find any address or company within the GU6 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU6 7AE 16 6 51.141649 -0.483097
GU6 7AA 15 10 51.140928 -0.484393
GU6 7AB 8 0 51.141869 -0.483696
GU6 7AD 9 1 51.142216 -0.483836
GU6 7AF 4 0 51.142202 -0.483422
GU6 7AG 8 0 51.142458 -0.48167
GU6 7AH 13 0 51.144837 -0.482064
GU6 7AJ 31 0 51.144538 -0.484704
GU6 7AL 14 0 51.145401 -0.485348
GU6 7AN 27 4 51.143558 -0.486737
GU6 7AP 3 0 51.142629 -0.486539
GU6 7AQ 30 1 51.14333 -0.482399
GU6 7AR 23 0 51.145094 -0.486659
GU6 7AS 44 0 51.14574 -0.484436
GU6 7AT 50 0 51.147083 -0.48605
GU6 7AU 20 0 51.146992 -0.485324
GU6 7AW 15 0 51.14287 -0.486402
GU6 7AX 40 0 51.147956 -0.483319
GU6 7AY 12 0 51.147223 -0.484359
GU6 7AZ 12 0 51.146504 -0.483739